The past two weeks from the pulpit, we've been challenged to personally engage in spreading the Gospel from Neighbors to Nations. A special emphasis has been placed on intentionality in reaching out to our neighbors. I would like to share our families plan to engage our neighbors for the Gospel this fall.
Is this plan perfect? Nope. I'm sure we'll revisit the plan after a few months and evaluate its effectiveness. I want to share it with you so that I can give you updates on how it is working and work through some of the things we need to change.
About two months ago, the Lord blessed us with a house in a great neighborhood. Our neighbors are always outside walking dogs or throwing footballs. If you want to meet our neighbors, you need only to sit out on the porch and wait for them to pass by. In addition to the accessibility of our neighbors, there are also a large number of Christians in our neighborhood who are burdened for the lost in our neighborhood.
With this in mind, my wife and I have decided to invite one of our neighbors into our home at least once a month for a meal. The goal is to open the lines of communication with them so that we may share Gospel with them and very tangibly show them the love of Christ as we seek to love them sacrificially for their good and God's glory.
Our prayer is that we would be faithful at every step of the process. The Gospel is not lasagna, so we must be faithful beyond the initial invitation and we must be ready to share our faith with them. Then we must keep in contact with them and share the love of Christ with them regardless of how they initially react to the Gospel.
Please pray that we would be faithful!
So that's our plan. What's yours?
May we be faithful to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the lost!
Soli Deo Gloria
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