Imagine walking for an hour and a half through the bush of Africa in the dark of night with your feet sinking ankle deep in the mud, with barbed thorns ripping your flesh,with no shoes on your feet and a 100lbs sack on your head. That is what the women do here virtually every day as they head to and from the nypengoroko village to sell their harvest of grain or to get it ground for consumption.
Or imagine being a 16 year old boy walking that same walk every Friday night to take God’s Word to a people whom you know will persecute you and then returning the next morning for follow-up.
Last night we got as all taste of their struggle. We headed out last night at 7:30pm to take that same journey only we had flashlights in our hands, shoes on our feet, and no 100lbs sack on our head. We waded across the river, trampled down a path of deep mud with the bush climbing higher than our heads until we finally arrived at a village in the middle of nowhere under the glittering stars of the African sky.
I’m ashamed to say that Initially I fought discouragement when I saw there were only eight young men. I found myself trying not to think it was all wasted effort. During the first several songs I was selfishly focused on my exhaustion, the painful blisters on my feet, and the aching back that I didn’t notice the crowd was growing one by one as the people slipped in under the cover of darkness. By the time I got over myself I was amazed to see that this young 16 year old boy had gathered over 100 people to hear God’s Word!
After a wonderful time of teaching by the boy we had to face the hard road home. By the time we arrived safely at home all we could do was shower and collapse in bed. I cannot imagine getting up the next morning and heading out there once again to follow up with very same people.
Lokoyo is the name of this amazing young follower of Christ. Please pray for him as he takes this long journey of pain every weekend for the glory of God. Joseph Lonya, Joseph Lotibe, Joseph Lomana are also heading out on similar journeys weekly. May we pray that the Lord will grant them courage, peace, protection, strength, endurance and so much more as these men faithfully obey the Lord’s command to share His good news.
Pray for the Toposa women who live a very hard life of physical labor and for the Lewis family who have dedicated theirs lives to loving and serving and teaching these people the Word of God though it is often a journey filled with pain.
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