Monday, November 26, 2012

Plant Team Profiles: Matt Moore

This week we'll meet Matt Moore.  Matt is a personal trainer who has an established ministry of writing and speaking.  You can check out his blog here.

N2N: Could you briefly describe how you came to faith? 
MM: I came to faith about 2.5 years ago, when the Holy Spirit awakened me to the reality of my sin---of all places, in a gay bar. Over the course of the next 6 months (through studying the Word of God) I really began to understand the depth of my brokenness, which enabled me to really see my need for the grace of God in the Cross of Christ. Jesus was, and is, my only hope for salvation. 

N2N: How has the Lord brought you to be interested in church planting/being part of a church plant? 
MM: The Lord put the desire in my heart to be a part of this New Orleans church plant 3 or 4 months ago, and has continued to prove this to be His will in clear, objective ways since I committed.

N2N: Why New Orleans?  
MM: New Orleans is a city full of rampant sexual immorality, endless drunkenness and idolatrous self-worship----exactly the lifestyle that the Lord saved me from. I can relate to these people in ways that not everyone can and I want my life to be an example to them of God's transforming power. There's more joy in obedience to Christ than there is in the indulgence of the flesh, and I can communicate that to them from personal experience. 

N2N: What is the next step for you or your family in moving to NOLA?
MM: I am moving this Saturday, Dec 1.

N2N: How can we we praying for your family as the move to NOLA draws near?
MM: Just pray that God do with me what He wills, and that I would willingly submit to whatever that may look like. I want to present my life as a blank check before the Lord, to be spent however He deems good and pleasing to Him. I don't want to hesitate in obedience and waste time. But I also don't want to rush into anything that He hasn't equipped me or called me to do. Pray that I would have discernment in discovering His specific will for me in New Orleans.

Join us in praying that God would protect and guide Matt as he makes his move this weekend!

Soli Deo Gloria

Monday, November 12, 2012

Cooperation and Participation

Today is the first day of the annual meeting of the Louisiana Baptist Convention.  The ministries of the Louisiana Baptist Convention include church planting.  Beyond state efforts, the Louisiana Baptist Convention helps serve as a clearing-house of sorts for the North American Mission Board funds that are used to help support church planters.

With our New Orleans efforts, these issues are near and dear to our hearts.  Please pray for the LBC Annual Convention.  Pray that God would give the messengers wisdom and clarity as they consider the business of the convention.  Pray that God would use the LBC and its member institutions to reach the lost for Christ, to disciple new believers, and to send out pastors to bring the Gospel where it is needed.

May our cooperation be based upon the truth of the Scripture and the necessity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Soli Deo Gloria

Monday, November 5, 2012

Plant Team Profiles: Kyle Jagers

This week we begin our series highlighting some members of our NOLA plant team.  Kyle Jagers is the lead pastor of our NOLA plant and he will be moving this March with his wife Suzy and their new baby Laynie.  We asked Kyle a series of questions to help you get to know his heart for the plant and for NOLA.  

N2N: Could you briefly describe how you came to faith?

KJ: As a teenager, I knew about the gospel, but I my heart was not changed. I was living in rebellion against God, with no desire to honor him with my life. At the age of 16, the Lord convicted me of my sin and drew me to himself. For the first time in my life i was broken over the reality that I had sinned personally against God. I placed my faith in Christ for forgiveness of sins. I also experienced a change of heart. The Lord gave me a new heart and mind to desire to honor and glorify him in all that I do.

N2N: How has the Lord brought you to be interested in church planting?

KJ: The Lord burdened our hearts to plant out of two things: 1) A longing to pastor a congregation and reach people with the gospel and 2) by providing people as part of our team who are passionate about planting in New Orleans and moving their families there to reach people for the gospel. 

N2N: Why New Orleans?

KJ: New Orleans has an incredible need for gospel-centered churches. It is an eclectic city, full of culture and traditions, but the majority of those culture distinctives and traditions are void of the gospel. The disparity between the population and number of gospel-centered churches makes New Orleans an ideal city for reaching people for the gospel. Along the way, God has provided confirmations for us that New Orleans is where he wants us to plant, such as other churches wanting to partner with us to reach the city. 

N2N: What is the next step for you or your family in moving to NOLA?

KJ: Suzy and I will move to New Orleans in March, Lord willing. Out plan is to move to the heart of the city, rent for about 6 months and prayerfully seek where the Lord would have us plant our church. This will give us time to get to know the city well and see where there are opportunities and where he would have us be. During this time, all of the core team members will have moved down to New Orleans so that we can pray as a team, seeking his will.

N2N: How can we we praying for your family as the move to NOLA draws near?

KJ: Pray for us that we would find places to live, and that we would gain greater wisdom about where God would want us to be in the city. Pray that we would meet people who would place their faith in Christ when we share the gospel with them and that we would find faithful partners in the ministry. Overall, pray that Christ would be glorified and that we would be faithful to what he has called us to do.

Let's commit to pray for this team and for the work of the King in NOLA.

Soli Deo Gloria