Monday, November 12, 2012

Cooperation and Participation

Today is the first day of the annual meeting of the Louisiana Baptist Convention.  The ministries of the Louisiana Baptist Convention include church planting.  Beyond state efforts, the Louisiana Baptist Convention helps serve as a clearing-house of sorts for the North American Mission Board funds that are used to help support church planters.

With our New Orleans efforts, these issues are near and dear to our hearts.  Please pray for the LBC Annual Convention.  Pray that God would give the messengers wisdom and clarity as they consider the business of the convention.  Pray that God would use the LBC and its member institutions to reach the lost for Christ, to disciple new believers, and to send out pastors to bring the Gospel where it is needed.

May our cooperation be based upon the truth of the Scripture and the necessity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Soli Deo Gloria

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