Monday, December 10, 2012

Plant Team Profiles: Marbry Family

This week we continue our series on the NOLA plant team.  This week we'll get to know Kelly and Clay Marbry.  Clay is a chemical engineer and Kelly is an administrative assistant at Norris Ferry Community Church.

N2N: Could you briefly describe how you came to faith?

Kelly: I was 6 years old when I first realized that I needed Jesus, so I asked Him into my heart with as much understanding as a 6 year old can have. However, I didn’t understand how much I really needed Him and what it really meant for Him to be my Lord until I was in college. My sophomore year of college I “rededicated” my life, was baptized and have been striving to take up my cross daily and follow Him ever since. 

Clay: I knew from an early age there was something wrong inside me, but because of my desire to please people, I was careful to be a good boy.  I vividly remember a church dinner when I was about 6 years-old.  My family was going to be sitting at the same table as the pastor.  I was petrified to sit there because I was afraid our pastor would see right through my façade.  When I was in 5th grade, my dad took me to the LSU lakes one afternoon.  During our conversation he said, “You are a good kid.  But, you aren’t good enough to get into heaven.”  While I was very conscious of that fact, the reality of my separation from God became real at that point.  My dad asked if I wanted to pray then, to receive God’s forgiveness.  I hesitated, unsure if I was ready for that step.  During our drive home, I felt God’s call consistently.  So, somewhere on Highland Road, I surrendered my self-righteousness and accepted Christ’s gift of righteousness by faith.

It hasn’t been a perfect journey.  I have struggled long and hard with still relying on my own strength to be right with God.  My perfectionist tendencies make it hard to truly accept grace.  But God is ever gracious, patiently teaching me how to abide in Christ, since apart from Him I can do nothing.  

Recently the Lord has used parenting to teach me about Himself.  Learning more and more what it means to be a father has given me a brand new perspective on God as my Father.  Knowing that as flawed as I am, I love my kids in a way I didn’t know was possible.  Imagining the perfection of that love, the source of that love, loving me…it’s astounding.  

N2N: How has the Lord brought you to be interested in church planting/being part of a church plant?

Kelly: Loaded question! Well, we have a long story of being unsettled, moving and changing jobs to find where we’re supposed to be. I grew up in NOLA and the city has had a special place in my heart forever. Not so much for Clay. However, we ended up in NOLA a year and a half before Katrina. That period of time and going through Katrina with the city changed Clay’s heart and mind about NOLA. There is no denying that the Lord has given us this love and desire through living there and directing every step/move along our journey as a couple to move back and share the Gospel with the people of New Orleans. 

N2N: What is the next step for you or your family in moving to NOLA?

Kelly: Clay needs a job there. So, we will begin to pursue employment for him and pray that the Lord will open and shut doors as they come. Also, we will need to sell our house. 

N2N: How can we be praying for your family as the move to NOLA draws near?

Kelly: Pray for wisdom and clarity as we seek employment. Pray as we can and will get discouraged through the process. Pray for patience. Pray for our team as we are now split, that we can make the most of this time apart and continue to grow together in the Lord. 

It's such a blessing to see how God has worked in the lives of these plant team members and has prepared them for the work that He has for them in NOLA.  Please join us in praying that God will provide a job for Clay and that they would be able to sell their house when that time comes.  Please continue to pray for the entire team that God's glory would be on display in a dark place through their obedience to follow Him.

Soli Deo Gloria

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